Over at the University of Lincoln’s Expert Comment Blog, Hugh Bochel, professor of public policy, is reminding people that we don’t directly elect the Prime Minister, unlike in presidential elections:

Only a very small proportion of the electorate, perhaps around 30,000, will actually cast a vote for the person who is Prime Minister. The rest of us may be voting on the basis of what we think of a party leader, the parties’ policies, or sometimes individual candidates. That in turn may influence who becomes Prime Minister, but we are not voting for that person.

Perhaps people are getting too caught up in the media frenzy around the leaders of each party, rather than concentrating on which local candidate most suits their needs.

You may like Nick Clegg, but is your local Lib Dem PPC really the best person to represent your constituency?

One thought on “‘Do you know who you’re really voting for?’”
  1. The answer to your question is yes Reg Shore is definitely the best candidate for Lincoln. He has political experience, professional experience and people experience. He is local County Councillor and former leader of West Linsey Council (just outside of Lincoln). On top of this he has live locally for 20 years so really does have a vested interest in Lincoln.

    Compared to Gillian Merron and Karl Mc Cartney the classic career politicians, they both have very little to do with Lincoln other than the fact they want to be Lincolns MP. They do not have the best interest of Lincoln but for themselves.
    Gillian Merron elected in 1997 before this she had very little to do with the city. As a Transport minister she failed to improve her own constituencies travel chaos. I sometimes wonder if the fast rail link to London from Lincoln is just so she can get back home to London quicker! Gillian puts her interests before Lincolns and in doing so is a classic Labservative.

    Karl McCartney again has had very little to do with the city before he stood in 2005. Karl is not well liked by the Lincoln Conservative association and many of them are not impressed that he is standing to represent them. I challenge anyone to speak to Lincoln Conservatives asking them “Was Karl the best choice?” you will get some funny responses. Karl at the last debate evening I went to said he would keep a second job in the private sector! Is he standing to represent Lincoln or himself?

    Looking at the recent polls it looks like the Labservative career candidates choose the wrong party!

    Reg Shore is by far the most qualified and more importantly local candidate who will work for Lincoln bringing change that works for you.

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