Sun, sea and sandal season is just around the corner so it’s about time we gave our feet a little TLC.

There’s nothing more daunting than slipping your feet into a pair of open-toe sandals when they’re still showing signs of winter wear and tear, but we’ve got it covered.

Since opening in November 2010, Ticklfish, situated in Lincoln’s Waterside Mall, has been a huge success with the public. It offers customers a ‘pedicure-like’ treatment involving small fish which suck and nibble at your feet!

“It’s a nice relaxing treatment… and there’s a short massage after you’ve been in with the fish,” says beauty therapist, Tracey Harley.

The Garra Rufa fish originate from Kengal in Turkey where such treatments have been in practice for centuries: “The fish have a recognised healing quality,” says Harley, 40. “It’s a nice way for relaxation, but it’s also good for psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis.”

The fish are reported to stimulate your acupuncture points, increase blood circulation and regulate the nervous system. So no matter how skeptical you might be about the treatment one thing’s for sure — it’ll certainly help rejuvenate your feet ready for summer!

“It’s very good for summer sandal feet… because it relieves dead skin as well,” explains Harley.

After the 15 minute treatment you’ll receive a short massage with ‘peppermint and tea tree lotion’ which leaves your feet tingling and feeling really nice.

The lotions can be bought separately for use at home to keep your feet feeling fresh and rejuvenated for longer, “or you could have an extended massage which is a luxury package, and we do that in our therapy room,” says Harley.

On arrival, customers have their feet checked for ‘cuts, abrasions or any fungal infections’ which if found, explains Harley ‘you won’t be allowed in to the water’.

Ticklfish ensure the treatment you get is 100% safe and hygienic, “the tank is cleaned twice a day and the water is filtered seven times per hour,” says Harley “everyone can expect a relaxing experience with us”.

If you’re looking to freshen up your feet this spring you’ll find Ticklfish in the Lower Mall, and you’re sure to leave feeling rejuvenated and ready to risk those summer sandals!