Following the adverse weather conditions, Lincolnshire County Council has sent out a warning to residents in the county about flooding.

While there are no severe weather warnings issued in Lincolnshire, the County Council said: “Due to a change in temperature, there may be some risk of flooding. Motorists are therefore reminded to drive to the conditions and be aware of surface water on the roads.”

Lincolnshire County Council also listed their top five reasons not to drive through flood water:

  • Surprisingly, it only takes one foot of water to float many cars and two feet of flowing water can sweep even 4-wheel-drive vehicles away.
  • Water can hide many things in the road – dips, boulders, even removed manhole covers which are prone to coming loose in floods.
  • Some roads can be closed as the surface has been undermined, so even if the water doesn’t look too deep, the highway may be crumbling below you.
  • Just six inches of water will reach the bottom of most passenger cars; this depth can cause water to be sucked in resulting in loss of control, stalling, damage to the brakes, electronics or transmission. Reduced air intake can also damage engines, especially diesels.
  • If you’ve removed a sign to drive through a flooded road, the situation may worsen after you’ve passed, leading other unsuspecting motorists straight into it.

On Sunday, January 27th, 2013, the Brayford overflowed, causing flooding along the Brayford Waterfront and disruption to vehicles and pedestrians.