Midfielder Anthony Pulis is the second player in as many weeks to join Chris Sutton's men. | Photo: Lincoln City F.C.

Imps boss Chris Sutton has captured the signature of 25-year-old midfielder Anthony Pulis on a month-long loan deal from Southampton.

Pulis, son of Stoke boss Tony, joins the Imps on an ini­tial one month loan deal from the Saints where he has failed to estab­lish a first-team place.

The mid­fielder star­ted his pro­fes­sional career under his father at Ports­mouth in 2003 before mov­ing on to Stoke in 2004, and played at sev­eral clubs on loan dur­ing his spell at the Brit­an­nia Sta­dium includ­ing Grimsby and Bris­tol Rovers.

Imps boss Sut­ton said: “He’s got a good foot­ball brain and can play a num­ber of pos­i­tions which is import­ant con­sid­er­ing the size of our squad. We’ve got one or two injur­ies so he’ll have a fair crack of the whip and we’ll see what hap­pens.”

Pulis is Sutton’s second sign­ing in as many weeks as he fol­lows defender Adam Watts in to Sin­cil Bank who joined from Ful­ham last week. The City boss has not ruled out bring­ing in any more new faces in the near future.

“I’m just look­ing for play­ers who I think can come in and improve the team. We are look­ing to add play­ers if they can move us for­ward.”

Pulis will go straight into the Imps squad for Saturday’s trip to Mac­cle­s­field Town.