The Students’ Union has published the timetable for this year’s by-election. Three students will be chosen to go to the NUS’s annual conference, and one part-time SU officer will also be elected.

The actual elections are still a long way off; voting opens on Monday November 2nd and closes on Thursday November 5th, with the results announced later that day.

The three NUS delegates elected will accompany Chris Charnley, the SU’s president, to the NUS’s conference. The SU is aiming for one of the delegates to be a Further Education student.

If you want to stand as a candidate in the elections, you’ll be able to pick up an information pack from next Monday, October 12th, from the SOAP Centre. The packs are also available online.

Prospective candidates will have to hand in their manifestos by noon the following Monday, October 19th. The documents will be published two days later, and campaigning starts the week after.

More details can be found on the SU’s website.

By Rob Wells

Rob is a third-year journalism student at the University of Lincoln, and is originally from Leicester. He also writes on his website.