Summer is fast approaching, and with the summer sunshine comes one essential – the ideal swimsuit body! We’ve all had the feeling when you slip into your bikini or pull on those board shorts and think: “I should’ve hit the gym sooner”.

The Linc’s Lifestyle team took some time out from essay writing to discover some quirky new ways to help get you into shape for summer.

  • In-line skating

    Dig out those old roller skates that have been sitting in the back of your wardrobe for years and get skating. Along the Brayford is the perfect place to get your skates on and have fun at the same time, and you can burn up to 500 calories per hour.

    If you’re slightly wobbly it’s probably worth investing in some cheap elbow and knee pads – just to be safe.

  • Hula Hooping

    Sports Relief 2010 saw thousands of people all over the country take part in the Hula Hoop’s Hoopathon, so why not pop down to Toys ‘R’ Us and invest in a colourful hula hoop?

    The beauty of this exercise is that you don’t even have to leave your front room to do it. Just get those hips moving and if you do it properly you can burn up to 200 calories in just thirty minutes.

  • Dancing

    It’s not like most students aren’t doing this every other day anyway, and it also makes a great form of exercise. Nothing is easier than shaking your booty all the way onto the dance floor and dancing until your feet fall off… or until the bouncers kick you out. Dancing in a nightclub for just thirty minutes can easily burn 200 calories, taking you one step closer to that perfect beach body.

  • Sex

    An oldie but definitely a goodie, sex is known to be one of the best forms of exercise for the human body. Working nearly every muscle in your body, it is known to trim the thighs and tone your stomach, burning up to 500 calories per session.

    However, if you’re going to try this form of exercise, remember to be safe and always use a condom.

  • Double Dutch

    It’s skipping but with two ropes, Double Dutch can be a bit tricky if you never managed to master skipping as a child.

    You need three people minimum for this exercise, one or more jumping and two holding the rope. Double Dutch works your arms, and in particular your legs, but to make it more fun it is usually accompanied by some singing to help the jumpers keep in rhythm.

  • Swimming

    Take a short trip up the hill (although that might be exercise enough) and visit the Yarborough Leisure Centre to indulge in a spot of swimming. A relaxing and recreational sport, swimming benefits the body in numerous ways.

    It works every muscle in the body and you can take it slow and leisurely or have a little fun. Why not try out the diving boards and challenge your friends to a diving competition, see who can tread water for the longest or see who can swim the most lengths in five minutes?

Try doing the above exercises regularly and see what difference it makes to your body and use exercising as an opportunity to get your friends involved. Working out and getting fit will instantly seem much more fun and appealing if you can have a laugh whilst doing so.

The University of Lincoln Sports Centre also offers a wide range of classes including kickboxing, kung fu and Pilates. Don’t be afraid to sign up for something new and exciting to kick start your summer.

Finally, enjoy getting fit. The healthier your body, the more confident you’ll be – another essential factor to achieving that feel-good summer vibe. So when you step out onto the golden sand in the blistering sun, don’t hide your body away under shorts and sarongs… just be confident and flaunt it!