With levels of unemployment at their highest for a long time, jobs in and around Lincoln are still scarce, leaving many students struggling to fund their university lives.

However now it seems 50 new jobs for students may be available. A new Facebook group titled “2 NEW club nights coming to Lincoln – 50 JOBS available” has become popular.

They are looking for people who are “popular, stylish, confident and good working with people”.

The page explains that two new club nights will be coming to clubs in Lincoln in September. However where these will be is yet to be revealed.

Jobs that the page creator claims will be available include handing out flyers and creating guestlists. They also promise the lure of free nights out, free t-shirts, and free promotional material.

Part-time jobs for students are few and far between in Lincoln. With the summer break fast approaching many are looking for a quick bit of extra cash to fund their holiday plans.

Rebecca Jackson, a journalism student at the University Of Lincoln, has been trying to get a job throughout her first year, but has had no luck.

“There have been quite a few jobs I have applied for. I don’t know what it is, I think it’s people who aren’t students that are getting the jobs instead of students,” Jackson says.

However she says these new promotional jobs would be something she would contemplate doing: “It’s definitely worth applying and it’s worth giving it a go, because at the end of the day, we need money, so just give it a shot really.”

People who join the Facebook group will be first to hear the news about the available jobs, so keep your eyes peeled.

By Sam Long

Staff Reporter