Aaron Porter has been voted in as the 54th president of the National Union of Students. Porter, who is currently the vice-president for higher education, will be replacing the current NUS president, Wes Streeting.

He was elected with a majority of 65% in the first round of voting.

Porter said of his election: “I am delighted to be leading NUS into what will be a crucial year for further education, with a General Election, fees review, and cuts on the horizon.

“It is more vital now than ever that we come together to put our issues at the top of the agenda with a credible, representative student voice shaping the outcomes of these pivotal debates.”

Wes Streeting said: “Aaron’s election vindicates the long journey NUS has taken to reform our democratic structures and our higher education funding policy.

“We have fought the battle to become a credible voice and Aaron is the right person to deal with the challenges students face in the coming year. I have every confidence that he will utilise his skills and experience in leading from the front in what will be a crucial year for students in further and higher education. I wish him great success as national president.”

Other results from the voting at the NUS national conference in Newcastle Gateshead were Usman Ali to be the next vice-president (higher education) and the new vice-president (further education) will be Shane Chowen.