According to drummer Adam Howlett, Lincoln-based band “The Fall of Industry” have created an “eclectic mix of riffs and synth, drawing from rock, industrial, and electronic styles.” Taking inspiration from acts such as Nine Inch Nails, Muse, and The Prodigy, the band create a sound that is at the front of Lincolnshire’s charge into alternative rock.

Distinct sounds don’t happen on their own, and while the most dominant features in The Fall Of Industry’s sound are electronic riffs, the band have taken specific elements from their inspirations. “I suppose we’ve emulated [bands] in a way where funky riffs and technicality is concerned,” says Howlett. “But we feel as though we have our own stamp on our music which makes us fresh and different.”

Despite the synth sequencers and sound effects, The Fall Of Industry are as rock ‘n’ roll as it gets.

Even though some members are originally from Peterborough, The Fall of Industry is one of the region’s busiest bands. With hard work comes reward, and the band’s reward has come in the form of several highlights that would make even signed acts envious: “We’ve headlined a packed out gig at The Cockpit in Leeds,” says Howlett, “and had a positive recognition from Does It Offend You, Yeah? regarding a version of one of their songs we played live.”

While their sound will provide the hook, it’s the band’s live performance that will reel the audience in. The Fall of Industry have gone from strength to strength and where most acts become victims of responsibilities, Howlett and his comrades in arms have ploughed on to concentrate on their music and form a formidable audio experience, both on stage and CD.

The Fall Of Industry is one of the most progressive unsigned acts in the UK at the moment, and the band has a sound and a back catalogue to prove it: “We have a number of EPs which are available at gigs, though currently we have no officially released consolidation of our work,” says Howlett.

“We’re currently working on a number of tracks, which will likely be released as EPs or singles through iTunes and other digital distribution mediums in the summer.”

Visit The Fall of Industry’s MySpace page to hear more.