The University of Lincoln’s Official Comedy Society will be hosting their first show with a free stand up night on Thursday, January 20th at 7:30pm in the Tower Bar.

Ed Carfrae, one of the founding members of the society, is feeling confident about the event: “We had a run through the other night and it was hilarious, so I can’t wait for the main event. Although I spent so much time trying to organise everything else, I completely forgot to write a routine, so I had some catching up to do! But it’s looking like it’s going to be a great show.”

The society started unofficially two years ago and was this year made official with the Students’ Union. Carfrae said it started as “a group of mates meeting up and having a laugh. We called ourselves the Squirrel’s Nuts, which still to this day I’m confused about. We used to meet up and just have the best time.

“It was a lot of fun, but we were the least organised group of people in the world. We had all these big plans that never fathomed into anything unfortunately, which was a shame because a lot of the originals have graduated now. But a couple of us decided we hadn’t had enough, so we made it official this year.”

Carfrae is optimistic about the future of the society: “We’ve been establishing ourselves for a little while and finding our feet, so it’s really exciting now that we’re making plans for the future. There are some seriously talented people in the society, and it’s so cool to see how enthusiastic everyone is about it.”

The society is pretty informal and just aims to keep people laughing. “We meet up every week and just make each other laugh. It’s nice and relaxed, we normally start of by telling funny stories that have happened to us in the week, or stuff related to comedy that we’re excited about, like a show someone may have gone to see,” Carfrae explained.

“If anyone has anything that they’ve written they can bring it in and show us for , and sometimes we write together as a group. It’s really cool now that we have some shows to work towards, like the Tower Bar stand-up gig, and there’s a sketch show we’ve got in the LPAC in April, because everyone is really coming out of their shells creativity-wise.”

Anybody wishing to get involved with the society can get details at the SOAP centre or join the Facebook group.