Best known for his role as Don Danbury in BBC Three sitcom “How Not To Live Your Life”, actor, screenwriter and comedian Dan Clark brought his self-titled “Dan Clark Tour 2011” to Lincoln’s Drill Hall on Wednesday 4th May.

Clark’s performance began with some audience interaction before the prepared comedy began. He discussed how he’d created a term called “Obsessive Messaging Checking Disorder,” which describes the way in which people check their email, check Facebook and check Twitter, before repeating the process.

Other subjects Clark covered included questioning why we put kisses on the end of texts when we don’t in real life, receiving phone calls from an unknown number, life before the Internet and how Deal or No Deal is “two minutes pumped full of hot air,” describing Noel Edmond as having a “pencil paedo beard.”

Not only was the comedy well written and delivered, but Clark’s miming was also to an excellent standard as he made his stage presence felt, just like he has done numerous times on television as Don Danbury.

The second half of the show took a slightly different direction with the introduction of Ben Parker, the music writer for “How Not To Live Your Life,” who assisted Clark in performing a number of comedy songs.

The short songs included some previously seen tracks such as “Dating a Mermaid,” as well as new ones including “Horny in the Morning,” “Gymnastics” and telling Justin Bieber to “fuck off.”

At the mention of “How Not To Live Your Life,” one heckler asked whether there will be another series of the show, to which Clark attempted to avoid the question before replying: “You’ll have to find out later.”

A problem with seating meant that there were a few empty seats towards the front, something that Clark picked up on quite early in the show, but despite this the audience proved to be one of the “craziest” he’d encountered.

The combination of well-written comedy, charm and brilliant miming ability made Dan Clark’s performance an excellent night full of laughter.