Students will find out how the university can support them during an event in the Main Admin Building on Wednesday, November 2nd as part of the “My UL” event.

The event, which begins at noon, will feature stalls from university departments including the Students’ Union, Job Shop, student support and human resources staff.

Representatives from trade unions UCU and UNISON will also have stalls, as well as local solicitors and insurance companies.

Dave Pritchard, Unison Welfare Officer, said the idea of the event is to “give both staff and students easy access to support services in an event format”.

“Some students may struggle to adapt to University life and this event is to give them a chance to meet people, join clubs and societies and get information and support.”

Alongside this, there is also a big book swap in which staff and students have been encouraged to donate books to the post room.

The books will then be sold at the event, for a minimum donation of 20p and the money donated to the university’s chosen charities.

These include – St Barnabus, Nottingham and Lincolnshire Air Ambulance, Help for Heroes and NOMAD trust. Any leftover books will be given to the National Literary Trust.

The event will help students find out more about the services the university provides, some of which they may have never known existed. It also promises to be a great event to meet new people and even pick up a book or two for a good cause.

Pritchard said: “We are hoping to hold another event next term, although the date is yet to be confirmed”.

If you would like to get involved in hosting a stand for the next event, contact Dave Prichard via