Lincoln Shorts returns to the Drill Hall on Friday, February 8th, 2013.

The local film festival, which is entering its third year, showcases a number of short films, directed, produced and animated by local filmmakers.

Founder and host on the night Tim Johns said there’s been a positive response to the event from local filmmakers: “Within a few days of submissions opening, we were overwhelmed with videos. Submissions have been increasing every year since our event first began, and this time round we’ve had the most interest ever.”

He added: “It’s wonderful but also painful because we get sent so much brilliant stuff that we don’t have time to screen it all!”

After the submission deadline, a team of volunteers work through the films they have received to determine what is shown on the night. Johns explained: “We choose a final line-up that gives a real variety and real entertainment for the audience.

“Sometimes we have to make painful decisions to leave something out because it’s too long, or because we’ve already got a film that’s too similar. That’s a great position to be in; it’s wonderful to see so much great stuff being made locally.”

In previous years, Lincoln Shorts has been well received by students at the University of Lincoln, and this year is no exception. Johns said: “Ever since we started, the response to the event from students in Lincoln has been great. This time is no exception – there are loads of good student films that have been sent across.”

He continued: “While the profile and number of submissions for Lincoln Shorts has grown, the number of entries being submitting by current students hasn’t increased that much.

“It seems that only the most switched-on students make themselves aware of the event and realise that screening their work to a paying audience of hundreds could be really beneficial.”

As well as short films, rock band Up Down Go Machine will be performing live on the night. Johns explained what people can expect: “It’s all about entertainment. It’s film, it’s live music, it’s cinematic, it’s varied. Even if you usually find short films boring, on this occasion the variety will keep you entertained.

“There will be two relatively short screenings of the best locally made films with short live music sets to follow – separated by an interval, and you can expect to be engaged and entertained throughout.”

Lincoln Shorts takes place on Friday, 8th February, 2013 at 8pm. Tickets are priced at £5 and available from the box office or from the Lincoln Drill Hall website.