Director David Fincher exceeds expectations with this mystery thriller Gone Girl. Fincher returns to his days of Se7en and Fight Club with this awesome adaptation of Gillian Flynn’s novel, in which Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike play the twisted and mind game-playing Dunne couple.

On their fifth wedding anniversary Nick Dunne (Affleck) comes home to find his wife Amy (Pike) missing. Nick must fight the media and police to find out the truth behind his wife’s disappearance whilst trying to maintain secrets of their marriage.


This chilling thriller explores the depths of an unconventional marriage and also adds to the debate on whether innocence is just within the confines of the law.

Gone Girl helps us to decide what is right and what is wrong. Much like Gone Baby Gone (Casey Affleck), it manages to leave the question up for debate about criminality and control and whether some law breaking really is for the better.

Ben Affleck plays Nick superbly and really brings the traumatised and desperate husband out in him; however, Affleck still manages to maintain his natural arrogance, which actually works incredibly well for the character.


Rosamund Pike plays the character Amy in a way that nobody can say they have seen this actress before. It is a surprising role for Rosamund, but she performs spectacularly. You start to feel emotionally for the characters in good and bad ways. It is this that makes the chemistry clear between the actors and their performances.

They are able to squeeze every possible emotion out of the audience, which makes this film all the better.

Much like Fincher’s early work, Gone Girl is well told and doesn’t lack in any part of the story. There is a very noir feel to this film, with Fincher aligning the light and cinematography to the film’s message and beliefs. Gillian Flynn definitely had a vision for his novel, and Fincher has captured his vision perfectly.

Gone Girl’s mind-numbing plot and ability to lift and drop the audience with emotion makes this film one of David Fincher’s best. It is an achievement for both Flynn and Fincher, as a truly incredible piece of cinema and art.

I would highly recommended to all Fincher fans and film fans.