Charlie King

Sports were never something I was interested in when I was younger, I participated in the odd ball game and of course P.E was a part of my education, but never found them to be that exciting. That was until I came to university, where I found my sport with kayaking. By the end of the first year I was fully integrated into supporting my committee which were the foundations that led me to becoming a part of the team as treasurer. After experiencing first-hand how much work goes into running a society, I now feel the urge to support not only my own club, but everyone else’s. This is why I have put myself forward for Vice President of Activities.

I like to think of myself as a hardworking, self-driven woman who can succeed in anything I put my mind to with a cool headed demeanour and a friendly attitude. I strive to help others where I can with the hope people can come and talk to me whilst feeling comfortable. It is because of this mind-set I feel I have what it takes to make our SU phenomenal.

If I am elected there are a few areas I feel should be improved to make our sports and societies run smoother. Firstly, as a current treasurer, a matter close to my heart is club funding. As not everybody may be aware VAT is currently deductible from society’s membership fees, however, sports membership is exempt from this. I aim to have this abolished in order to put sports and societies on fair grounds to spend their funds as they see fit.

This brings me on to my second point, investigating the removal of insurance cover costs added onto membership fees. If I am elected, my first priority would be to acquire external sponsorship in order to cover these costs, which in turn will make sports and societies more appealing to students at more affordable prices.

Every year sports and societies have to deal with the stress of transportation rentals for various trips and games; my proposal is to budget for our very own minibuses. This would reduce the expenditure of club finances meaning new kit and other exciting purchases could be made, as well as increasing the number of people that clubs can facilitate on trips. Now the only thing committees need to worry about is where go!

For my final point, I feel societies and sports don’t get enough opportunity to interact between one another. It is my aim to bring everyone together to share ideas and advice, expanding friendship groups by organising events for everyone to get involved in. Together we can stand as one powerful unity in order to make everyone’s university experience absolutely unforgettable.

As VP Activities I will strive to make these three years the best experience possible, by supporting your needs as and when you need me. I sincerely hope you believe in my vision and know I will make a difference.
Thank you.