Holly Marriott

I am Holly Marriott, third year UoL English student and current LGBT+ Officer. During my time at University, I have launched campaigns and club nights; have been an advocate for student voices and supported students on a one to one basis and I have volunteered at community events as well as within the university. I am standing for Welfare and Community officer to improve Student Support, Representation, and Empowerment and this is my manifesto.

I will work with housing providers to improve the quality of student housing and to ensure students are given fair standards of living following a process of feedback and evaluation from both students and housing providers.
I will also work to support students in their search for suitable housing by promoting and improving the annual housing fair.

I will organise the distribution of financial helps packs to provide support with budgeting and financial assistance. To provide the best information available I will arrange talks with the government money advice service about financial advice sheets which will be tailored to living in and around Lincoln.
I will provide support for students in or searching for employment by establishing drop in sessions with a careers specialist to ensure students are aware of their rights within employment.
I will continue to work with masters’ students to provide financial assistance by offering finance drop in sessions.

Student well being
I will develop communication between students and support networks to offer effective and appropriate services, and provide student well being events to promote the services offered.
I will implement strategies to drastically reduce the number of students who worry about loneliness, isolation and bullying, including promotion and development of the buddy scheme and liberation groups. I will also run awareness campaigns to ensure students can recognise and easily access support for these issues.

Liberation groups
I will work to provide more funding and training opportunities for liberation groups, including representation at NUS national conferences and within the community to empower students to implement change both within the local vicinity as well as nationwide.
I will work to integrate liberation groups, societies and sports teams to ensure a cohesive, supportive environment for everyone.

I will provide more community cohesion events to improve community/student relations following the article four campaign. In addition to this I will further community volunteering opportunities to foster a cohesive community relationship.
I will also work with local external organisations to promote integration between the university and surrounding area. I will ensure this work is publicised in the local media to ensure our work is well represented.

Thank you for reading my manifesto.