Nyasha Takawira


Hi there! I’m Nyasha , your current VPAA and I’m re-running to continue the success that I’ve started.

This past year I have worked and achieved:
Launching and successfully leading a campaign to improve on assessment feedback across campus in the ‘Is your feedback, what you need back?’ campaign where 993 of you shared your thoughts with me
An effective campaign engaging over 900 students in addressing unfair printing costs within the College of Arts as well as look into the wider ‘Hidden Course Costs’ within the college printing costs
Re-evaluated Rep Forums which are more productive and with record breaking attendances
Empowering your senior reps with their own campaigns such as the ‘Access to Learning Spaces’ survey within the College of Science.
There’s still much to do and I believe I have the knowledge, experience and motivation to do just that. Here’s what’s coming up if you choose to re-elect me:
Upgrade your student card: Our University is dated when it comes to building access. Fobs, swipe cards, codes, it’s all rather fiddly. You can already use your ID to get into Engine Shed events, why can’t this technology allow you to securely swipe into your buildings for lectures or labs? I want to carry on the work I have started by seeing a card that does more than let you into the Library.
Addressing the post-graduate agenda: The post-graduate community can do with more attention and effective representation. Change has started this year through the new PG reps structure. However we need to speed this process up. We need to make changes so that our post-grads don’t feel like outsiders.
Interdisciplinary projects: Our University has bucketloads of talent! I know that there are so many students who want to get involved in creating and collaborating with other students on projects. This is something that I believe is in existence but is not yet fully publicised.
Improving academic societies: I am proud of our academic societies and I believe that they have the potential to provide more for our students. I aim to work on providing academic societies and course reps with the support to work together in improving the opportunities they can offer to students.
Internationalising the curriculum: Our international community is growing and though we have an international officer, we need more attention to be paid to academic aspects of the international experience. Whilst I believe that it’s important to provide a social comfort to our international students, I also know that we can do more for them in improving their learning experience. I aim to work towards improving this through the channels that have now been put into place by both the SU and the university.
I’ve proved that I’m capable to deliver and I hope that you will trust me to do the same and even better next year! So stick to the girl you know. Don’t believe me? Just watch, because ‘The Time Is Ny’!