A joint campaign to raise the awareness of mental health and tackle the stigma surrounding the subject will be launched tonight.

The move is being spearheaded by the SU’s Lincoln Disabled Students liberation group, who intend to focus on several different campaigns, targeting different health issues over the next academic year.
The University of Lincoln Students’ Union has also pledged to raise awareness of Mental Health over the whole year.
‘Let’s talk Mental Health’ will be kicked off with an event being held tonight, to allow mental health sufferers to come together and share their experiences.
Ways of how to manage any stress, anxiety or depression will also be discussed and suggested.
The first discussion this evening will be held in the Minerva Building in room MB3202 from 6pm-8pm.
A second event with further activities will be held this Thursday again in the Minerva Building in room MB1019 from 6pm-8pm.