Alias Kid

After recording and releasing their first full album in 2015, Alias Kid are heading off on their very first solo tour – and stopping off at Lincoln along the way.

The all-male, five-piece rock and roll group from Manchester have been making a name for themselves with the release of Revolt to Revolt last year. After spending 2015 supporting big names like The Happy Mondays, Alias Kid are all set to make a mark on Britain with their own 2016 tour.

The album has been a while in the making. Starting recording in 2014, the band finally managed to get it released last year. Maz, the lead vocalist and guitar player, said: “We’ve had the songs for about a year or so before we recorded it.”

He also explained how they did have some difficulties when trying to get a good demo down. “We demoed it and McGee (producer) said: ‘nah, it’s crap, do it again.’ So we did it again and he said ‘nope, still not having it’, and then he sent us up to Scotland to record it up there and then he was happy.”

The style of Alias Kid is very familiar and reminiscent of modern greats such as Kasabian. A lot of the songs are very punchy with strong vocals and a great beat.

The tour is kicking off in Derby on 4 March and then coming to Lincoln the next day.

When asked why they’re doing the tour, Maz said: “We were just told. It’s just one of those things, you know. We’ve been going out gigging quite a lot on our own.

“The agent just said ‘there has been interest in a tour’ so we were just like, yeah, let’s go for it. We’ve kinda been making it up as we go along really. It’s all happened so fast.”

Alias Kid have been playing together for years. “We’re like a family,” said Maz. “If we weren’t a band we’d be doing something else. Playing 5-a-side football or something. You can’t keep us apart.”

The group have never been to Lincoln and will be making their debut appearance at the Platform, in The Engine Shed. Tickets are now available from and their new album is on sale now, online and in a number of high street music stores.