rdr2One of the most respected and loved games from this decade is Rockstar’s 2010 hit Red Dead Redemption (RDR). But after 3 other titles and 6 years, many had assumed RDR was a lone title with no sign of a sequel in sight.

However, vague tweets earlier this month hinted at a possible return of the franchise and less than a week later a full trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2 dropped out of nowhere.

Contrary to its modern counterpart Grand Theft Auto, RDR thrived on a vast open world and amazing atmosphere and this is what the trailer really showcases.

Not a single bullet is fired but the shots of forested valleys and large buffalo herds are plenty to get me excited for this game. The next-gen graphics mean detail in the endless western landscapes are beautiful to just observe.

What we get from actual gameplay is not really shown in this trailer – understandably so from an initial teaser. Classic mechanics from the first game like horse riding and wild animal hunting are back and looking better than ever.

Many speculations are being made about the time period and returning characters, but we won’t know for sure until Rockstar drop details in the coming months.

Although little is revealed about the game itself, we do know it looks to be a PS4 and Xbox One exclusive so bad luck for PC gamers again. With a release date of Fall 2017, stay tuned for more trailers and news about this highly anticipated title.