Photo: Paul Simpson/ Flickr.
Photo: Paul Simpson/ Flickr.
Photo: Paul Simpson/ Flickr.

As the decorations start to pop up and the songs begin to play, it’s easy to see that Christmas is on its way. But if being away from home at this time of year is a struggle for you, here’s what you can do.

Brave the Cold

Photo: Eneko Muiño/ Flickr.
Photo: Eneko Muiño/ Flickr.

Make sure you get outside and don’t spend the season hiding in your room; it can quickly become claustrophobic and get you thinking about home. Although it’s cold outside, if you wrap yourself up in your comfiest coat, scarf and gloves, you’re all set to brave Lincoln and its fierce wind. Going out for walks by yourself to clear your head can also be great but don’t forget to surround yourself with people that make you smile and homesickness will soon become a thing of the past.

Explore the City
By now, you probably know the quickest paths to take to your lectures, but try and spare five minutes to mix it up. Change your path slightly so you don’t get bored of the same route. Check out some different clubs or cafés, take a trip down the canal, or walk up to the cathedral. If you’re immersed in the city you’re in, you’ll be focused on Lincoln and not your home town.

Bring Home to Lincoln

Photo: the green gables/ Flickr.
Photo: the green gables/ Flickr.

Home comforts near the Christmas period are a must in making it through this semester because if your family can’t be with you right now, your teddy bear sure can! Making small, cheap changes to your room will help. Fill it with photographs, postcards, a cushion, a blanket, fairy lights, candles – the works. Shops like Wilkinson’s, Asda and Primark are great places to find theses décor items without it costing you a bomb. Turn your room into somewhere you’re happy to be; a home away from home.

Get healthy
Keeping fit is not only going to be good for your physical health but for your mental health too. With a good diet and the odd jog or trip to the gym, you can put your mind towards getting healthy and fighting off that fresher’s flu cough that won’t go away. Plus, you can feel less guilty about all the food you eat later this December.

Balance is key
The urge to press the call button grows this time of year, especially if you’re missing out on traditions like putting up the family Christmas tree. Chatting to your family is great but try not to overdo it. Avoid becoming consumed by what’s going on at home or it will always be playing on your mind. University is a great opportunity to create new traditions. By splitting the cost of some tinsel, or a small LED tree with your flatmates, you can painlessly buy the Christmas essentials to brighten up your student digs with festive cheer.

Warm your insides

Photo: Shauna Leigh Robinson/ Flickr.

Whether it’s a cup of tea, a bowl of soup, a gingerbread latte or even some eggnog, don’t underestimate the power of a hot drink. If homesickness is rearing its ugly head, a hot chocolate trip with a friend will work wonders.

Ask for Help
If you are feeling truly down, tell someone. Your course mates, your flatmates and even your tutors will be happy to listen to any problems you’re having and, as an added bonus, it’ll likely strengthen these friendships. If you’d prefer something more professional, the university offers a free and confidential counselling service that is open to all students.