For many students it isn’t always easy to stay motivated and keep up with the gym but, with summer round the corner, now is the best time to get back at it and get healthy! Here are some tips on how to stay motivated all year round.

Photo: Jose Antonio Anka/Flickr.


Set reachable goals

Setting unrealistic goals can leave you feeling constantly disheartened when you don’t reach them. Instead of comparing yourself to others, especially ‘instagram-famous’ fitness accounts, focus on YOUR body and the progress you want to make. Remember that it will take time, and that’s okay! It can help your motivation if you set yourself something to work towards, for example, the Lincoln 10K, or the Student Colour Run, or even a holiday or social event that you want to look good for.


Have a sustainable routine

Again, if you set yourself a crazy routine, you will struggle to stay on top of it. Attempting to go to the gym six days a week when you haven’t been for a year will leave you stressed out and struggling to fit in your everyday life. You’re therefore more likely to give up and quit. Instead, set smaller, attainable goals at first and then slowly build up how much you workout. This will also help with building and improving your fitness level.


Go to classes

Sometimes it can be hard to motivate yourself, which is why going to exercise classes is an option so many people take! Pure Gym offer many classes that come free with your membership, as well as the University Sports Centre gym, which offers a range of reasonably priced classes throughout the week. From spin classes to HIIT workouts and strength training, there is a class suitable for everyone.


Don’t be intimidated by the gym 

Going to the gym is something that puts many people off exercising, because they feel self-conscious about not knowing what their doing or how to use all the equipment. Although this can be hard to get over, it’s so important to remember that no one actually cares what you’re doing in the gym! Everyone is too busy focusing on themselves and thinking about what they’re doing, to worry about anyone else. If you are unsure about the equipment however, most gyms offer free inductions, and there are always trainers about, so booking one of those, or talking to someone, can be a good idea to help you feel more confident.


Photo: Fit Approach/Flickr.


Do what you enjoy

Don’t restrict yourself to doing only cardio or weight lifting, or any type of workout if you don’t enjoy it. To make exercise sustainable you have to like what you’re doing (at least a little), so forcing yourself to do workouts you hate will not work in the long-term. If you’re unsure what you like to do, but don’t know what else to try (for example hate cardio but are unsure on how to get into weight lifting), there are loads of free workouts on YouTube and Instagram that can be used as fitness guides, so this can be a great way to introduce yourself into a new form of working out. One of my favourite fitness-inspirations is Grace Fit UK.


Work outside

Now the weather is finally starting to perk up, using the outdoors as your gym feels amazing and saves money! Lincoln is full of beautiful parks perfect for running, and you can use YouTube to find ‘at-home’ workouts that you can do in your local park or garden. My favourite YouTube channels for free workouts are Fitness Blender,  and Rebecca-Louise.


Don’t be too hard on yourself

Try not to put yourself down if you don’t see progress right away. At the end of the day, staying fit is about being healthy and feeling good on the inside, and improving how you look is simply a bonus!


Good luck!