All accessible toilets on campus are to be repurposed as gender-neutral toilets, it has been announced.

The news comes eleven months after an SUggestion called for the university to install gender-neutral toilets in all future new buildings, as well as making some existing toilets gender-neutral and ‘not just disabled toilets’.
It also called upon the Students’ Union to ‘educate its members and staff […] on the use of gender neutral bathrooms’.
In response to the SUggestion, Vice President for Welfare and Community Connor Delany said that ‘all new builds will include the provision of multiple single cubical genderless toilets’.
Rio Foster, Gender Representative for Lincoln SU’s LGBT+ campaign group, welcomed the move and said: “It’s harder to change the structure of pre-existing buildings, so the fact that the university are indeed going to be creating more gender neutral toilets in the buildings we have now […] feels like a step forward for the LGBT+ community in Lincoln.”
Correction: Since publication, The Linc has been informed that the SU introduced gender-neutral toilets in all its venues over the summer in the initial response to the SUggestion. Connor Delany is currently working with the university to campaign for these toilets across campus, but future decisions to implement gender-neutral toilets across the site lies with the university.
The SU cannot guarantee this, in contrast to what was suggested in our original report.