The society must find a Treasurer by October 27 and 10 paid members by November 1 in order to keep running. Photo: University of Lincoln Animation Society.

The University of Lincoln’s Animation Society could cease to exist within weeks if it fails to meet a set of deadlines, it has been revealed.

The society must find a Treasurer by October 27 and 10 paid members by November 1 in order to keep running. Photo: University of Lincoln Animation Society.

The society, which gained around 55 sign-ups during Freshers’ Week, has been told it must find a Treasurer by October 27 and reach 10 paid members by November 1 in order to keep running.

At the time of writing, the club only has six paid members and is without a Treasurer and Social Secretary.

Maria Pullen, Vice President of the Animation Society, said: “This year has been a rocky start with only few members registering. We are worried all this work will be for nothing.

“We worry that the apprehension comes from people thinking our society is only for animators but that is not true. We are made up of animation fans who watch animation together and occasionally hold workshops to increase our knowledge of the medium we love,” Maria said.

She went on to add: “We are hoping that our appeal will encourage people to sign up and realise that societies need the support and commitment of the students in order for the society to enrich the student’s university experience.”

SU Vice President for Activities, Luke Exton, said the threshold of 10 members ‘is the case for all societies’.

Committee positions exist to ensure that members are supported. We have core ones specifically to ensure key roles are covered.

“These are President, Vice-President and treasurer. The activity cannot function without these roles. Any member of the respective activity can nominate themselves for the role.” he said.

“We are currently holding Bi-bi elections,” Luke went on to add. “Of which nominations are open from the 16th October to 27th October. Voting is then open from the 28th-30th October.

“We also offer regular drop-in sessions for all our activities should they require any further support.”

Students interested in joining the Animation Society can do so via the Lincoln SU website.