The University of Lincoln’s Students’ Union has amended its Student Disciplinary Policy following a review by its Executive Committee, it has been revealed.

The changes, implemented from the start of this academic year, see future disciplinary panel meetings minuted, a ‘formal resolution process’ established and communications to the complainant and accused improved.
The news comes after the SU decided to reject a motion on the Student Disciplinary procedures earlier this year, but announced that its trustees were to carry out a review of the organisation’s disciplinary policy.
The initial motion, put forward by student Calum Watt, was passed by union members at an emergency All Student Members meeting (ASM) in March.
Over 70 students attended the meeting, which was called in response to the Conservative Society having its social media accounts temporarily suspended for criticising the SU’s free speech record and ‘bringing the union into disrepute’.
Two other motions were also voted through by the student body at the meeting, including votes on freedom of speech and boycotting the National Student Survey (NSS). Both have since been rejected or ‘nullified’ by the Students’ Union.
Despite this, a new freedom of speech motion is set to be voted upon at an ASM next week.
Submitted by postgraduate student Bradley Allsop and seconded by the Executive Committee, it says ‘that a difference of views towards Union or University policy and actions, either written or verbal should not constitute “bringing the Union into disrepute”, provided that disagreement is primarily critical of policy and in line with the Student Code of Conduct, be it from an Elected Officer, or member(s) of the Union’.
The All Student Members meeting will take place next Monday, 4pm to 6pm, in the Isaac Newton Building (0014).