Oxfam volunteers and members of the public gathered in Lincoln Cornhill today, creating a giant human logo to celebrate the charity’s 75th anniversary.

The event also saw performances from local musicians, as well as an announcement from Lincoln’s Town Crier.
James Grigg, Manager of Oxfam Lincoln Bookshop said: “I’m delighted that today we could bring together the entire Oxfam Lincoln family: The bookshop and High Street shop teams, the Oxjam music people, and the new Oxfam student campaign group.
“There have been Oxfam shops in Lincoln for at least a couple of decades, and of course today we are celebrating Oxfam’s work over the last seventy-five years.”
In 1942, Oxfam came into being after it was initially launched as the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief in the middle of World War Two.
With the aim of ‘fighting global poverty’, Oxfam is currently working on the crises in Bangladesh and Yemen, and recently provided 5.4 million with improved access to clean water last year.