Lincoln Students' Union (SU)The SU says the decision avoided having to pay another year's membership fee. Photo: The Linc.

Lincoln SU’s delegates at the National Union of Students’ conference in Glasgow have announced that they ‘condemn the actions and protests’ taking place at the event.

Lincoln Students' Union (SU)
“The current occupation on the conference floor is undemocratic and will not be conducive to ensuring that students represented by NUS are heard and effectively represented.” – Lincoln’s NUS delegates. Photo: The Linc.

The conference floor was forced to close following a stage occupation in protest over motions on sex workers and the decriminalisation of abortion in Northern Ireland not being discussed.

In a statement, the Students’ Union said: “We understand and share the frustrations being shown by our delegates however, we need to ensure that as a body of students we follow the democratically agreed processes that occur during conference.

“The current occupation on the conference floor is undemocratic and will not be conducive to ensuring that students represented by NUS are heard and effectively represented.

“We fully agree that the Welfare Zone should not have ended when it did as there were very important student matters to discuss and debate in the outstanding motions, however this was a democratic decision that must be respected.

“We are extremely disappointed that a minority has seen fit to go against a democratic decision. This has prevented us debating student issues that affect our students in Lincoln and undermined NUS as an organisation.

“We hope for a swift and effective response from NUS,” they said.

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