A debate is being held tonight on whether Lincoln SU should remain a member of the National Union of Students (NUS) after a referendum on the issue was confirmed.

At an All Student Members’ Meeting (ASM) in late October, those attending it voted in favour of a campus-wide referendum.
The date for that has now been set and students will be able to vote between 9am on Saturday, November 16, and 9am on Tuesday, November 19.
To help students with the decision, the SU is hosting a debate on the subject tonight.
In June, the union’s Board of Trustees voted to notify the National Union of Students of its intention to disaffiliate from the group – with the leaving date currently set for the last day of December.
But a campaign group was launched following that move demanding a referendum.
Despite that group’s petition being rejected, one of the campaigners, Bradley Allsop, managed to move an amendment at October’s ASM meeting calling for the referendum.
If the referendum results in the SU being asked to stay in the NUS, they have until December 31 to remove their notice of disaffiliation.
The debate is being held tonight at 5pm in the David Chiddick Building in room DCB1102.