The move affects all SU venues including The Engine Shed. Photo: Huseyin Kishi.

The University of Lincoln Students’ Union (SU) has said it will close all its venues and cancel all activities for a minimum of the next 12 weeks due to the coronavirus outbreak.

The move affects all SU venues including The Engine Shed. Photo: Huseyin Kishi.

In an email sent to all members this morning, the union confirmed that the move would affect The Engine Shed, The Barge, Tower Bar and The Swan.

The union also says that all events, training sessions and sports fixtures arranged by any sports teams and societies will be cancelled.

Any events planned at any SU venues will also be cancelled as well as the SU Awards, any school action days, all volunteering opportunities and any physical events due to take place for International Week.

The Students’ Union Advice Centre will remain open to support students throughout the period.

The union says it is following the advice of the Government after the Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in a press conference last night that people should avoid going to pubs, clubs, restaurants and theatres.

In the email, the union said: “We understand that this will be a troubling message for our members to receive, but we want to re-assure all students and re-iterate that all decision making has been done with the wellbeing and safety of students at the forefront.”

The move comes after the University of Lincoln moved to online teaching from this morning, with students across campus currently receiving information from module leaders as to how it will affect their course.