"I can give constructive feedback to the SU about what these issues actually look like, and how to help students." Photo: Zuzanna Romanska

Zuzanna Romanska is a masters student in gender studies, currently running for the role of Vice President Wellbeing and Community (VPWC). Originally from Poland, she moved to Lincoln back in 2017 and has stayed here since.

Her focus in this election has been on improving the university’s mental health support, looking at the ways in which students struggle and things that could help bring a more understanding, healthier student community. 

“I feel like mental health in general is something we don’t continuously have a conversation [about], especially between students and staff.

“There’s not much understanding about how isolating and invisible it is.”

Suzanna has struggled with her own mental health problems, mentioning how it helped shape her understanding of the severe and long term issues such struggles can cause. 

“I can give constructive feedback to the SU about what these issues actually look like, and how to help students.”

The practicalities of this are far reaching, but Suzanna focused particularly on her idea for “safe spaces”. These would be peer support spaces, allowing students to meet and communicate with others to help them pull out of the isolating pressure that many mental health conditions can cause. 

This all comes from her hope to make more authentic support, that doesn’t feel limited to “events” or “posters”. 

“Another big thing is working students… who don’t end up with time to join societies or build bonds with people.” Safe spaces like the ones Suzanna propose will help those students to break into bigger social circles, ones that they may miss out on through work or other commitments. 

“I am a very genuine person. I’m an immigrant, I’m a working student, I’m a student with depression. All of that has to be talked about more and I want to be a real example for those students.”