As May draws to an end, Lincoln City welcomes it’s 818th Mayor, as Councillor Biff Bean took over the title from Cllr Rosie Kirk.
“I want to promote this city,” said Mayor Bean, who has represented Hartsholme Ward since 2017.

“I love this city, born and bred in this city, Lincoln is a great city. The more we promote it, the more people will come to it, and that’s what it’s all about. We’ve come a long, long way in the last 50 years and I want to keep moving in that direction.”
The previous mayor introduced new mayoral social media accounts, which Mayor Bean has said he would like to continue.
Mayor Bean gave a warm welcome to the students of the city, saying: “Well done to the students who are working hard out there, if anybody wants to have a chat with me, or learn more about the mayor, I’d be happy to meet with them”
“Hopefully students will embrace the historic role of the mayor, and who knows- one of those students may go on to become Mayor of Lincoln,” he said.

Looking beyond the city, Mayor Bean hopes to establish wider connections.
“I’m hoping to get back to New York, and meet with the Mayor of New York,” he said.
“As someone who lived in New York for 13 years, it will be nice to get a relationship with that Mayor across the water.”
Mrs Wendy Bean, Mayor Bean’s wife, is the new Mayoress, whilst Cllr Neil Murray and Ms Dorinda Hudson have been appointed Sheriff and Sheriff’s Lady respectively.