Switchy B, real name of Omar Cofie, is well known on the University of Lincoln’s campus – and not just for studying.

When not studying for his sports degree, Omar works on his career as a RnB and grime artist, as he has since 2006.

He has released a number of singles already, the first being ‘Trouble Boi’, which received good feedback from listeners. However, rather than charge people for the music, he prefers to hand out copies for free.

Switchy B got into the scene through the influence of his friends back home in Milton Keynes, but also has those in the industry that inspire him: “Lethal Bizzle, Jeremy, Dizzee Rascal and all those kind of guys. Seeing their success makes me want to be a part of that too.”

Switchy B’s first music video was ‘Lollipop Skank’, which has been watched by thousands and really helped him to make his mark. “The dance to that song is a weird one. I had the beat from ‘My Boy Lollipop’, and I started to dance around to it in my room. I thought ‘that’s pretty decent’, and bassline was big at the time so I used the beat and put the dance together. After, I called up a few of the boys and a girl I new studying media production together, went around town and filmed it. It went from there.”

“[Kaylea] is someone I met in the clubs. I’ve heard her singing a couple of times. I thought I could use her as she was a good singer, and get her involved as well.”

RnB and grime aren’t the only genres Switchy B has turned his hand to. He has experimented with indie music too, by remixing popular songs such as Kate Nash’s ‘Foundations’.

“I love that song, it’s one of my favourites, it’s enjoyable. I wanted to diversify a bit aswell, I didn’t just want to stick to grime and hip hop. I wanted to branch out with a recognisable song. I played that one at the Mezz Bar and the crowd went crazy for it.”

It has been a memorable road Switchy B has taken to get to where he is now. His fondest moments include meeting different people all over the country and being recognised, and being signed, but there are people who create drama in his personal life. “For example I have a girlfriend now, and people come up trying to cause problems, but I can leave that behind me.”

For now, Switchy B will be back in the studio recording songs for his new album, as well as finishing his degree.

To listen to his music, watch his videos or just keep up to date with Switchy B, visit his website.

By Elizabeth Fish

Elizabeth Fish is based in Lincoln, UK and is the current Deputy Editor of The Linc Magazine, and Culture Editor. Also in her final year studying a degree in Journalism. Writing interests include entertainment (especially music) and tech. Follow her on Twitter .