Volunteers from the University of Lincoln Students’ Union will travel to a remote and deprived region of India this summer to help an impoverished community.

In August, staff, students and community volunteers will voyage to Gaya, in the state of Bihar, north eastern India, to witness first hand how People First International, a charity they have supported, is helping to provide education for the region’s youngsters.

Nick Hansen from Saxilby, near Lincoln, founded the charity. Mr Hansen’s cause was aided last autumn by the donation of t-shirts gifted from the Students’ Union.

Within a few weeks, photographs were sent back from Gaya of children wearing them. Their beaming smiles made it evident that such a small gesture can have a great impact.

Since Christmas the SU volunteers have been fundraising, attempting to raise £1,200 needed by the charity to fund a local school for a year.

“This is such a small amount by western standards, but the impact of schooling and education in such a deprived area where it is not provided by the state cannot be stressed enough,” said Pam Holbrook, Community Volunteer Coordinator at the University of Lincoln’s SU.

“Long term skills and educational development provide a lasting solution to sustainable living.”

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