Over a dozen students went to the second Post Graduate and Mature Students Committee meeting of this academic year, held on Wednesday, December 2nd. The turnout was seen as much better than at the previous meeting.

Students raised concerns over the number of technicians available in the science labs to help conduct their research. An issue brought forward at the previous meeting was the expiry date of student visas for overseas students studying postgraduate courses. Kayleigh Turner, the SU’s vice-president for education, advised those students affected should speak to Jo Jeffries from the university’s Advice Service.

The meeting also saw the election of the new chair of the committee. Dawn Temple, a mature student who worked for almost eight years in the Grantham service authority, swept the board and gained all of the votes for the chair, against the opposition of Tom Haughton, who couldn’t attend the meeting. Haughton ran for SU president at the last main elections in March, 2009, and lost.

The meeting came to a close after talks about the formation of a society targeted at postgraduate and mature students as a more social affair. The new society hopes to hold a “Coffee and Cookies” morning, exclusively for those students, sometime in the near future.