This year’s Students’ Union elections have already been plagued by a low number of potential candidates, and the first week of campaigning has so far seen two candidates in the race for president withdrawing.

The four initial candidates (Lucy Alborough, Dan Clewley, Scott Pack, and the current president Chris Charnley) kicked off the week with the now-traditional pieces of cloth inscribed with their names draped on the Main Admin Building’s exterior.

It was presumed by the time of the hustings at the Brayford Campus, which were held in the Tower Bar, that two presidential candidates, who didn’t make an appearance, would withdraw from their campaigns but nothing could be mentioned at the time, as neither had formally withdrawn.

The presidential race suddenly turned into a two-horse competition on Thursday. Candidates Dan Clewley and Scott Pack had their manifestos in the Main Admin Building taped with a message mentioning their withdrawal. Neither gave any reasons for pulling out.

The Linc can reveal that Daniel Clewley has been forced to withdraw from the elections due to an unmentioned illness and Scott Pack has had to return to his home for unknown personal reasons. The two have yet to respond to The Linc‘s request for comment.

[Listen to our special elections podcast for Clewley and Pack’s manifesto points, together with the other candidates in this year’s SU elections.]

Meanwhile, the two remaining candidates Chris Charnley and Lucy Alborough have different approaches towards the elections. Charnley spent most of the week in the Atrium re-using last year’s Superman costume and handing out free sweets to students. While he is on leave from his current role at the SU, Charnley is said to still fulfil some presidential duties during the campaigning period.

In an attempt to get people to vote for him, Charnley has embraced the student lifestyle on Wednesday, when he went to Fever Pitch at the Engine Shed. On Friday he attended a Christian Union meeting with a close clique of other candidates, and then to a Superbull night in Ritzy’s.

Lucy Alborough, the only female candidate running for the position, has been very quiet this week. She has her posters and banners on display around the campus and attended the hustings, but apart from that her campaign has been very slow. Her presence in the Atrium hasn’t been felt, but she is planning a night out campaigning in the Engine Shed on March 3rd.