As the Easter break draws closer, the University of Lincoln Christian Union are putting on a showing of “The Passion of the Christ”. The 2004 film, directed by Mel Gibson, depicts the final hours of Jesus’ earthly life (played by Jim Caviezel), detailing his arrest, trial, torture, crucifixion and finally resurrection.

The showing of the film is on Tuesday 23rd March at 7pm in the Jackson Lecture theatre. It will be accompanied by a panel of Christians in a question and answer session afterwards. There is no entry fee.

Mel Gibson went through great lengths to re-tell the story from the New Testament Gospels, stating that it was his “duty to be as faithful as possible in telling the story so it doesn’t contradict the Scriptures”. He gives the film even more authenticity by using Aramaic, Hebrew and Latin in the dialogue, the most common languages in that area at the time.

As well as the accuracy in narrative and concept, the film is famous for being very graphic in the torture and crucifixion scenes.

The film is full of symbolism and metaphor, some interesting ones including Jesus crushing a serpent’s head, referring to the prophecy in Genesis 3:15, and the close-up of Gibson’s hands nailing Jesus’ hands to the cross, explained by Gibson: “It was me that put Him on the cross. It was my sins [that put Jesus there].”

It received mixed reviews from critics, its opponents stating the violence as being too exaggerated and diverting from the message of the film. However, it would seem that Gibson’s intended message is the violence itself. Gibson said: “I wanted it to be shocking and I wanted it to be extreme…so that they see the enormity of that sacrifice.”  However the film was supported by many, shown by the Oscar nominations for Best Cinematography, Makeup and Score.

To find out more information on the Christian Union visit their website.

By Joel Murray

Born and bred in Leicester, I am currently studying Media Production at the University of Lincoln. I'm a Christian and a musician, I play the oboe and different guitars. I love football, my club is Leicester City. I enjoy films, music and video games. You can follow me on Twitter at @joelmurray.