The SU have given Lincoln’s main-three PPCs a chance to, very succinctly, outline their position on 10 issues “that may face students”.

The 10 words part seems to have been lost in translation somewhere, but it’s a nice and brief account of where they stand on certain issues, including the enviroment, tuition fees, students in the community, and more.

Here’s a taster:

Tuition Fees

Gillian Merron — “Any decision about the future of tuition fees, should be based on evidence and facts – which is why I support the ongoing independent review into Higher Education Funding and Student Finance. The system needs to be fair, to bring a wide range of people into university from all backgrounds and ensure that our universities remain amongst the best in the world.”

Karl McCartney — “We will provide better information about the true costs and benefits of going to university and will ensure students receive a fair deal.”

Reg Shore — “We oppose tuition fees and will phase them out completely over the next 6 years.  The other two parties wish to increase them.  We Liberal Democrats are disgusted with the loans system that can result in a student leaving university with a huge debt. One of my assistants has just begun to pay hers back – she has £25,000 to pay and this has increased by nearly £5,000 since she left.”

To read the rest, visit the SU’s website.