The Lincolnshire Echo is running a piece on each General Election candidate’s policies, apart from UKIP for whatever reason, on helping to boost Lincoln’s tourism. The only information they’ve given online is as follows:

Labour’s Gillian Merron said: “My guarantee of a direct, regular and fast Lincoln to London rail link will boost tourism as well as investment in our city.”

While, Conservative Karl McCartney said: “Our plans for small businesses will give this sector a huge boost by aiming to reduce corporation tax to 20 per cent.”

Liberal Democrat Reg Shore said his party would would send officers off to successful tourist areas to see exactly how it’s done. “Lincoln is a beautiful location that rivals York and deserves a much greater developed tourism industry,” he said.

Independent Gary Walker would make Lincoln a major tourist attraction while at the same time ‘ensuring we protect the traditional parts of the city’.

Ernest Coleman, of the English Democrat party, believes that Lincoln is one of the most underrated and undervalued tourist destinations in the country.

And BNP candidate Robert West said that Britiain will be a lot more attractive to foreign tourists if it becomes British again.

You’ll have to buy their print edition for April 27th to see the full details of what each candidate has said.

Stay tuned with The Linc’s elections blog for lots of free coverage.