Monday night saw the University of Lincoln potentially propelled into infamy when popular comedy programme “The Inbetweeners” referenced it — as being a terrible institution.

In a scene, the headteacher of the fictional 6th form, played by Greg Davies, who will be performing his stand-up show in Lincoln on November 23rd, threatens main character Will McKenzie saying that “in my role as your UCAS referee I will fuck your application up,” adding “goodbye first-rate education, hello University of Lincoln.”

Will went on to say: “I’ve been to Lincoln and it’s a shithole.”

The comment has spawned several Facebook groups, some with in excess of 3,000 members. Custom t-shirts are already available, and many have embraced the joke.

Co-creator of the show Iain Morris posted on his Twitter following the broadcast: “I’m sorry. A friend went there and it was an in-joke. Sometimes the innocent suffer. What a cathedral, eh?”

John-Paul Taylor, a second-year media production student, said: “Lincoln may not be first rate, compared to Cambridge or Loughborough, but it’s definitely not a shithole.” He also mentioned that the university was one of the most improved last year in The Times rankings.

One criminology student was upset with the programme for failing to recognise “amazing Lincoln”. Tom Purbrick, a forensic science student, echoed their irritation, saying there was “no truth in the joke” and that he “couldn’t believe it”.

George Price, who studies media production, said it was good to hear the university’s name mentioned, and added that the scene did little to “slag off” the University of Lincoln. While Zoe Leach, an accounting and finance student was “slightly offended” and suggested that The Inbetweeners should come to Lincoln to experience it.

13 thought on “Inbetweeners: ‘Goodbye first rate education, hello University of Lincoln.’”
  1. I can’t believe people are getting genuinely upset about this. It was a joke! A very funny joke! Some people need to stop being so bloody miserable and develop a sense of humour.

  2. I go to Lincoln Uni, and while I disagree that it is a ‘terrible’ institution, I did find this quite amusing. It’s like that time on Mock the Week when they were saying thing that ‘were unlkiely to be seen on a sign’. Hugh said ‘BRACKNELL! TWINNED WITH HELL!’

    Bracknell is my home town, and I still laughed my head off.

  3. Wouldn’t worry, it’s just butthurt Lincoln students complaining. It’s a joke… The funny thing is I bet they are happy to joke about other universities but when a joke is placed on them they are outraged!

  4. I live in Lincoln and I am a pure Yellow Belly (Lincolnshire family, born and bred!) and I found it highly amusing.

    I do not think it’s true, but it wasn’t said in that context, it was used for a joke in a series classed as comedy. Everyone should stop whining about how terrible it was and remember – All publicity is good publicity! :D

  5. I only just saw the episode, and have to agree that Lincoln at least certainly used to be a shit hole. I left Lincoln to go to college in 1986, and at that time, there was scant choice of further education in the City. An Art College, a Tech, Bishop Grossetestes Teacher Training outfit, and a Farming College. Only place you could get a Degree was Bish BigBalls place, and that made you a teacher. Ho Hum.

    Now the aforementioned places have coalesced into a University, and there are new premises too I understand. I’m not sure, because I have zero desire to return and check it out.

  6. Oh come on & laugh – of course, Lincoln is a young institution in a county that has been traditionally been quiet. It takes time for places to become established, chill after this government is finished, they’ll be enough defunct universities to pick on, Lincoln might be left alone!!

  7. I have been in Lincoln for 5 years now and agree with everything that was said on the inbetweeners, This ‘city’ is not a city in any meaning of the word, lacking any real culture with a third rate transport system, The only redeaming feature is the magnificent cathedral. Thank you channel 4 for bringing this to everyones attention and roll on 2012 when my contract is up

  8. I studied Media Production at Lincoln. It was amazing. I got a job at the BBC and stayed there for eight years and have many successful friends working in the industry. If nothing else, it’s kind of ironic that a very popular show used Lincoln as a reference when a lot of its Media graduates are very successful. I think the joke was hilarious!

  9. Apart from the cathedral, yes it is quite a s**thole. Don’t see what’s wrong with the university though it’s supposed to have been rated quite highly am I right in saying that?

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