UPDATE – 04/11/10

Raising fees at the University of Lincoln is “inevitable”, a spokesman for the university said in a statement.

The university issued a response the the coalition’s statement on higher education yesterday, November 3rd.

The coalition announced that universities will be able to charge up to £9k per year in fees, with certain rules for those charging the full amount. The current cap on fees is £3,290.

Government funding for arts and humanities subjects – which make up the bulk of the university’s courses – is being vastly scaled back. This funding gap will now have to be filled by an increase in tuition fees.

A statement from the university said: “In an ideal world, we would prefer not to increase graduate contributions. However, given the impact of the anticipated very significant cuts to the teaching grant, it is almost inevitable that the contribution which graduates make to the cost of their university education will have to be increased, if the quality of the Lincoln student experience is to be maintained.

“The university will need to consider its position once the details of the proposal are made public.”


Tuition fees will be capped at £9,000 a year, the government reveals.

A full government response to Lord Browne’s higher education funding review will be outlined this Wednesday, November 3rd.

The coalition has announed, though, that from 2012 universities will be able to charge £9,000 per year — but anything over £6,000 will have to be met with provisions for poorer students. 

Michael Gove, schools secretary, told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that he believes higher fees “won’t put off students”.

However, various groups involved in widening participation, like Aimhigher, that work in schools to “raise aspirations” of poorer children say that a big barrier to higher education is perception — poorer children think university is unaffordable.

A rise in fees will account for the scaling back of government funding for universities, particularly for arts and humanities subjects.

Aaron Porter, president of the National Union of Students, told the BBC he thinks it’s unfair to “remove almost all funding for teaching in universities, and force students to foot the bill”.

Professor Mary Stuart, vice-chancellor of the University of Lincoln, has said she opposes higher fees. However, if funding is scaled back, the university will have little choice but to raise fees — especially given its large number of arts and humanities courses.

Karl McCartney, Lincoln’s Tory MP, hinted last week that he supports higher fees.

Nearly 600 students and staff from the University of Lincoln have signed up to the NUS and University and College Union’s London demonstration against HE cuts and higher fees next Wednesday, November 10th.

4 thought on “University of Lincoln fees rise ‘inevitable’”
  1. I find this an absolute disgrace. I went to the University of Lincoln and can safely say I have left university in a more venerable condition then when I started. I’m not only financially worse of, but the quality of tutoring/education at the university was shocking. I came out of the university financially burdened for the rest of my working life, and lacking any of the real experience needed to gain employment.

    It was only through the future jobs fund scheme that I have been able to get a step up into work, and to obtain long-term employment. This has taken me over 12 months after university to achieve that, and it is not in the field I set out to join.

    I think the level of tutoring at Lincoln University seriously needs to be addressed, not increasing the pressure on young people who are already being pummelled with debt at such a young age. My experience at Lincoln just confirmed that it is spending far too much money lavishing overpaid lecturers, who do NOT spend their time teaching the excessive amounts of students being squeezed into their “lectures”. (May I point out that this was my experience, and I am not speaking on behalf of other courses which may or may not have been of a higher quality).

    Sort out the budget you have got, scale down your plans and live like we are actually in a recession, good lectures producing good graduates with modest means. It’s not difficult, university is about knowledge, not profit and lining the prockets of the big-wigs running the place.

  2. It’s a great shame that you had such a bad experience, on your course. I’m not entirely clear what is ‘a disgrace’ in your reply.

    I can assure you however that the salary levels of lecurers and teaching staff are by no means high. In fact with the rise in National Insurance, VAT etc, coupled with a virtual freeze on pay increases, most of us are worse off than three years ago.

    Most of the staff I work with, do seem to work very hard and conscientiously – with the students education and welfare at the heart of what they do.

    It is true that the largest part of any University’s expenditure is staff costs, but without good staff and support services, then future students will not get what they deserve either.

  3. I make reference to the above comments and can honestly say that my time at Lincoln University was enjoyable and certainly worthwhile. I received alot of support from my tutor and lecturers throughout my course and if it wasn’t for them I would not be in my chosen career today. It is a shame that fees have to rise but it is not the universitys fault. It us due to cuts made by the government. I disagree with Jenn. The staff work really hard to assist the students. Since I left the University has invested heavily in expansion. It should also be noted that over the last few years it has flown up the university ranking table. It could only do that through quality teaching and student care.

  4. I must reply to the negative comment by Jenn.

    I agree with previous posters that is unfortunate that you have had an unhappy experience. However, I believe you are in the minority; The University is well equipped and has excellent support and academic / teaching staff. The level of investment over the last decade has been spectacular, the reputation constantly improving and employer opinion of graduates is high – one only has to look at the alumni reports to see this.

    A university provides opportunity but does not promise success. That responsibility lies with the graduate.

    Should a student want practical experience to move into a chosen career, then perhaps a more vocational course of study should be followed; of course, there is work experience and internship that can be undertaken during the substantial breaks in academic study – something that enthusiatic students partake of to great advantage.

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