One of the two temporary accommodation sites at the University of Lincoln, Delph Gardens, is being dismantled.

The site of 42 ‘bunkabin’ cabins was built to house some of the first year students who started the year without permanent accommodation, but a spokesperson for the university said that only “one or two” people moved in.

Some students previously told The Linc that they were not interested in leaving the main site of cabins, Festival Gardens, for Delph Gardens due to the sense of community there – and as they would have to pay £60 a week for the single occupancy cabins in Delph rather than the £30 they were paying to share.

The end is also in sight for Festival Gardens as permanent housing has been found for all the students currently living there. Many have already moved out with the last students set to leave the cabins in early November.

When the second site was announced, Chris Spendlove, registrar at the University of Lincoln said: “The extra 42 cabins will enable the en-suite rooms across the two temporary villages to become single occupancy as soon as possible.”