Charlie McDonnell (Charlieissocoollike), Justine Ezarik (iJustine) and Lucas Cruikshank (Fred) are just a few of the well-known vloggers (video bloggers) regularly creating videos on YouTube.

Second year Media Production student at the University of Lincoln, Sophie Platt, vlogs about the daily on-goings in her life,  the vast majority of which are filmed in her bedroom. She also films creative videos, such as lip-syncs.

Sophie began vlogging through boredom. “I stayed in Lincoln over the summer and it got very boring due to the lack of people around,” she said. “When I bought my new iMac, I thought its built-in camera and pre-installed iMovie would be perfect to start my own proper YouTube vlogs.”

Known on YouTube as “5ophie,” she is part of the “YouTube Orbit,” a group of people who video blog once a day every day for a year. She said; “YouTube is like a community and once you start it, you become a part of this community and every supports everyone else.”

At the time of writing, Sophie has 143 subscribers. Her number one fan is her mum who watches her videos every day. Sophie explains: “I use my vlogs to show my mum back at home how I am doing and it allows her to see what I get up to and check up on me.”

Sophie’s videos attract comments from other YouTube users. The majority of comments she receives are “really good,” although she does get some negative ones.

In response to such comments, Sophie says: “I have had some bad comments, but these only seem to come from users who do not dare to upload anything themselves. They would not know how scary it is to put themselves out there.”

In order to see how big her following actually is, Sophie has entered the “Samsung Stage” competition – a YouTube talent contest.

If Sophie wins the competition, she is planning to “donate some of the prize money to the Foundation to Decrease Worldsuck.” She’s also planning on buying a new camera and the funds would help pay for a trip to “Playlist Live,” a gathering for YouTubers such as Sophie.

You can view and vote for Sophie’s competition entry, “Laundry Room Dance Times,” on the Samsung Stage website.

One thought on “Student enters international YouTube contest”
  1. been searching today to see if there was anyone else in Lincoln who vlogs – I feel like I’m the only one! It’s great to know now that there are other people! Yay!

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