The University of Lincoln’s Students’ Union is holding a referendum on whether smoking zones should be introduced on the Brayford Pool campus.

Last year, the University of Lincoln consulted with the Students’ Union about whether they thought the introduction of a smoke-free campus was a good idea. The Union’s reaction was to bring the concept to Student Council and to see what the students’ opinion was. The result of this was the referendum.

The referendum will be taking place from today (Monday, October 29th) until 12pm on Sunday, November 4th. Voting will take place online.

University of Lincoln Students’ Union democracy worker, Rebecca Pocock said: “The question was decided by Student Council, so all of the student representatives think that students should be able to have a vote in this referendum.

Pocock continued: “I think it’s important for students to decide on issues like this about their campus and about the environment, so I hope a lot of students vote.”

But what do the students think? Second year film and TV student, Daniel Gibson said: “In my opinion, it depends where the smoking areas would end up being. However, I don’t really mind the smokers on campus at the moment, but I would probably be against it.”

Third year marketing student, James Nichols said: “I think it’s a good opportunity for students to be able to voice their views and, as the university has developed so much lately, it would be great to see how the referendum can be a part of the university’s growth.”

Third year psychology student and smoker, Kennedy Rumney said: “I think it’s an awful idea, I don’t think it will work and I think it’s discrimination against smokers.

“I don’t think smoking outside is doing anyone harm. We’re outside in a big space and I, personally, don’t like the idea. It’s perfectly within the law to smoke outdoors.”

To vote, students can visit the Students’ Union website, where they are able to login and cast their vote. Voting closes on Sunday, November 4th at 12pm.

2 thought on “Voting opens for introduction of smoking zones on campus”
  1. As a recent graduate I well remember the stench of cigarette smoke that lingered around the entrances to the Business & Law building, Main Building, MHT and Architecture. It was awful for a non-smoker like me. But I had to remember that smoking is an addiction. I’ve known plenty of people who have battled the evil wiles of Nicotiana nearly all their lives and failed. So instead of a referendum over smoking zones how about a medical based approach instead? Because history shows us that trying to outlaw an addictive substance just pushes it underground.

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