Students at the University of Lincoln will be able to go face-to-face with big name employers at an upcoming fair.

Ran as part of “Enterprise and Employability Week” at the university, the “Find Your Feet” careers, postgraduate and employability fair is to be held at the Engine Shed on Thursday, November 15th.

Among the 60 employers confirmed for the event are Wilkinson, Morrisons, Siemens, Channel 4 and Matalan and more. The event, which has previously attracted thousands of current students and alumni, also offers advice on gap year options, summer placements and internships, as well as starting a graduate enterprise.

Careers and Employability Services Manager at the University of Lincoln, Mark Stow said: “The national jobs market is certainly tough but graduates are still much in demand. As ever, it is those people who really understand what employers are looking for who will stand out from the crowd.

“It’s never too early for students to start thinking about life after graduation. It might be getting hands-on work experience or a student placement, or ensuring their CV is written in a way that they jump off the page. The best way to learn these tips of the trade is from the employers themselves.”

The Find Your Feet fair takes place at the Engine Shed on Thursday, November 15th from 10am until 3pm. Further details about Find Your Feet and Enterprise and Employability Week are available on the University of Lincoln Careers website, or by contacting