Written by Kelly Pyart.

The University of Lincoln is going to be one of many universities across the country affected by the upcoming strikes.

The University of Lincoln might look empty like this if staff decide to go on strike. Photo: the Linc

Furious lecturers and members of the University and College Union (UCU), across the nation are preparing to strike in demand of further pay rises on October 31st.

A Lincoln University spokesman said:

“The University will strive to minimise disruption to students caused by this national day of industrial action planned for 31st October. For any teaching sessions that are unable to run, students will be able to use the many study facilities on site.”

Unless an agreement or compromise is reached in this latest confrontation over pay, the UCU, along with higher-education members of Unison and Unite will all strike alongside each other.

Two-thirds of UCU are believed to have voted for collective action in demand for higher wage increases, after only being offered a one percent increase in pay, when in fact their pay in real terms has fallen by 13% in the last four years.

UCU head of higher education, Michael MacNeil, said:

“Staff have suffered year-on-year cuts in the value of their pay. Quite simply, enough is enough. We urge the employers to reflect on the fact that they are about to face their first ever strike by three unions at the same time.”

“While strike action is always a last resort, the fact that staff are prepared to take this step demonstrates just how angry they are.”

Jane Crofts, Programme Leader for BA (Hons) Public Relations at the University of Lincoln, said:

“My personal view is I feel guilty for students who will miss out on lessons, however, I work on the basis that if there’s a collective vote as an active member, I will follow that.”

For students who are wondering whether their lectures or seminars are still on, they will just have to wait and see. In reference to this Jane Crofts said:

“I will not be responding to any student emails or setting any work because being on strike involves leaving work until the next day.”

Meanwhile, students should expect to attend all lectures or seminars, unless forewarned by lecturers that they will be on strike. For many lecturers who are members of UCU, Unison or Unite, it remains undecided as to whether they will strike for definite because of the possibility of a negotiation and the loss of a day’s pay for striking.