Written by Philip Wilson-Smith.

The far right group East Anglian Patriots is returning to Lincoln to protest in January 2014.

The East Anglian Patriots at their last demonstration in Lincoln.In response the Lincoln Against Racism and Facism group is having a meeting on Wednesday December 11 at 7.00pm at the Lincoln Labour Club to discuss a counter-demonstration.

Nick Parker, Secretary of Lincoln & District TUC said:

“The best way to undercut the racism of the East Anglian Patriots is to have a massive show of strength on January 18 against racism, for unity amongst ordinary people.”

“We encourage people to come along to our public meeting on Wednesday.”

Lincolnshire police are working with the council to minimise the impact on communities and businesses.

The East Anglian Patriots last protested in Lincoln in June against the construction of a new mosque.

The protest saw 300 members and 100 counter demonstrators just off Lincoln High street.

Extra support from Thames Valley and the Metropolitan police were given to the Lincolnshire police force on the day.