Written by Alex Dade.

At the end of every December,  people vow to make a New Year’s resolution and hopefully stick to it.

 Every year we make the same vows; eat healthier, go to the gym more than once a month, and eat less chocolate, to name a few of the more commons ones.

But for 2014, why not give your beauty regime a kick start with some of our top ten tips and advice?A moisturiser containing SPF. Photo Sourced from PRshots.com

1)      Be kind to your hair- use heat protection before using any hot products; your hair dryer, curling iron, hair straigheners and even hot rollers. Just a few seconds could make all the difference to the health of your hair and hardly breaks the bank or takes up time.

2)     Use SPF always- whether it’s windy, sunny or rainy, your face and skin needs constant protection. There are plenty of moisturisers and foundations that include a little SPF and be sure to cover your hands as well to stop then drying out. Even on cloudy days, UV light can strike and cause your skin to damage. Why let this happen if it’s easily preventable?

3)     Take care of your cuticles- winter is the prime time for your nails to dry out, break and have the occasional hangnail. Why not take a minute out of your day and prevent all three. Instead of cutting your cuticles, use a health balm and push them back with a cuticle stick – simple!

4)     Simple but effective- take your make up off every night. It’s one of the more common beauty resolutions, but one that often still doesn’t last right through the year. You need to give your face a breather overnight, as remember your skin needs a rest too! Wake up feeling fresh faced and ready for the next day.

5)     Commit to a skin care routine- ‘cleanse, tone and moisturise’ is the most popular and probably easier to follow. Try a new regime for at least two weeks before changing products, as this is the average amount of time you would expect results to show.

7)     Get a haircut every six weeks- having hair that looks great is a vital part to any beauty routine. Book your next hair appointment whilst you are still at the salon, meaning you’ll never forget to have your regular trim. We may be students, but hair care and maintenance is essential.

7)    Don’t forget about the brushes- give your make up brushes a good clean every week, as a really easy resolution that you should already be doing to stop moving old make up around your face. A ‘must’ if you don’t already do so!

8)     Isn’t it obvious? – drink plenty of water each day, as drinking fizzy drinks or alcohol can have a lasting affect on your skin, which is something none of us want. Keep your skin hydrated and clean by drinking a minimum of two litres a day. Replace juice and fizzy drinks for water and see the effects instantly.

9) Give your hair some TLC- after being put through blow drying, straightening, curling and styling, your hair needs a break.  Use a hair mask once a week as an easy treatment to keep your hair nice and restored. The treatment takes as little as two minutes and can be done in the shower.

10)   And finally,everyone’s pet hate –  biting nails. This is the one that most of us try to give up each year. Keep your nails looking fresh and healthy throughout the coming year by keeping them away from your teeth. Tip – paint your nails every couple of weeks to avoid the temptation.

Which resolution will you be embracing for your beauty regime this year?