Approximately two hundred international students were welcomed to the University of Lincoln by the Students’ Union yesterday during the SU’s first ever international fayre.
International students often miss Freshers’ Week and its fayres, as they can enrol up to two weeks after the closing date for enrolment of UK students.

Brian explained: “We thought it wasn’t very fair that they have to miss out, so we planned an international fayre for the following week [after their enrolment deadline]. We wanted to make it a welcome experience so that international students feel as welcomed as possible and assimilated to Lincoln life.”
The main feature of the fayre was the “British tea party”, with sponge cake, scones, and china teacups, although Brian admitted that it “might seem very cliché and cheesy”.
“For international students that’ll be what they see on TV and assume British tea parties to be like,” he continued.
More practical stalls were also present, including the student wellbeing centre, residential services, and the English Language Centre – “anything that would be relevant if they need to find help or advice”, Brian summarised.
One of the more interesting stalls at the fayre was led by Zamira Noh, currently in her second year of studying for her PhD.
Zamira explained that it was her studies which had led her to the fair: “We’re recruiting participants for our 100 for 100 project, which is about engaging international students with home students.
“We’re going to pair them – one international student with one home student – and give them twenty simple tasks which they have to complete together. They’re going explore the city and the campus and do lots of fun activities. It will allow them to explore each other’s cultures and share their experiences.
The Malaysian-born student added that the tasks would be flexible, as the people in each pair “will have different ways of doing things”.
As far as her project was concerned, Zamira thought the international fayre was key to getting the students she needed: “Overall, I think it’s quite cool that we have this kind of event where we can be seen by international students. It’s helped us a lot.”
Brian also marked the event down as a success. “It’s been quite a laid-back, informal event, but it seems to have been quite well-received.”