School representatives from the School of English and Journalism are happy that they will both receive a vote, now pending approval from Students’ Union Trustees, on Student Council.

The MHT building, where the new merged school of English and Journalism is based. Photo: Emily Cloud Keane

A motion proposed at Monday’s Student Council (12/10/14) would mean that one elected official from the Lincoln School of English and Journalism and the School of Architecture and Design would lose their vote following the merge of four schools into two.

This resulted in two schools having four representatives between them for this academic year, prompting the motion to restrict only one of these two reps to vote.

This would have been decided by drawing lots at the start of each student council throughout the year to decide which rep from each school would vote.

An amendment was proposed for the motion 3.7.2. The change preserves each rep’s vote for this year until the next election for the 2015 to 2016 academic year.

The Linc spoke to John-Paul Dickie and Ellie Bryan, the two representatives for the Lincoln School of English and Journalism.

John-Paul, who was the sole rep for the Lincoln School of Journalism before the summer merge, was pleased to keep his vote.

He said: “I’m very happy now because before it was put into question whether we both had our individual votes, but now we will have our individual votes until for the rest of the year until March.”

Ellie Bryan agreed with John-Paul that they both merited their vote despite the merger of the two schools.

She said: “I feel it is important we both get a vote at Student Council as we are both elected representatives.”

The other two representatives from the same school following a summer merger are Daniel Orford and Sara Killelay from the School of Architecture and Design, who will continue to both have a vote on Student Council.

This decision is still pending Students’ Union Trustees approval.