A NEW fun and interesting event will take place next Thursday at the Zing Café Bar in the Lincoln Performing Arts Centre (LPAC).

MOVIE Me will be an interactive movie making evening organised by the LPAC Producers, who are a student-led group that programme events aimed to engage the wider student body.

You will get the chance to star in your favourite iconic films thanks to a green screen and live music that will be on show, as well as being able to take part in a movie themed quiz.

Michael (22), who has been an LPAC Producer since the scheme started in 2012, explained why the team chose to host an event of this kind.

“This year we have gained many new members and a large amount of them are media students.

“We wanted to combine all of our skills to create an event with many media, musical and theatrical layers which the audience can get involved with.

“Our aim is to reach out to university students, get the LPAC Producers name out there before our main auditorium events later in the year.”

The one-off event, which has been supported by Lincolnshire One Venues Young People’s Programme and the LPAC staff will take place from 7–9:30pm on Thursday 27 November.